Tuesday, September 28, 2010

October Baseball

I was 12 the last time Rangers went to the playoffs. I don't really remember specific details about it - that was a long time ago. Those who aren't serious sports fans probably won't understand this, but this team feels like a member of my family. This wasn't the easiest summer to go through, and whenever I needed a distraction from everything, they were there every night providing me with 3 hours of fun-loving Texas baseball. I've been a die-hard Rangers fan my whole life thanks to my Dad. I don't think he expected me to take it so seriously, but he instilled loyalty and perseverance in me by continually supporting these Rangers through the highs and lows. And watching them clinch the playoffs on Saturday, I couldn't help but think of Dad, sitting in his usual spot on the couch, smiling with a celebratory bowl of ice cream in his hand. He never got to see this team win the World Series - I don't want my son (crossing my fingers that I'm blessed with a boy some day) to say that about me. But, whatever happens this October, this team will have a permanent place in my heart. And there's always next year.

I have Dad to thank for that.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Saved By The Belding

The trailer for our new Saved By The Bell movie is now online!

Click the link above to watch it. And then tell your friends. And your co-workers. And your postal deliveryman. And everyone else.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wild In the Streets (and sidewalks)

Coming from a school with an enrollment of only 6,000 students, I was not accustomed to a large campus. I could walk from my house 1 street off campus to the opposite side of campus in 10 minutes. Midwestern's campus could fit inside the Texas A&M golf course with room left to spare. Gone are my days of walking across campus in a quick and easy manner.

So what am I to do? Blade it up, baby.

Rollerblading had it's hay-day in the 80's and 90's for good reason. I don't understand why more people don't still do this. It's like walking and flying at the same time! I was the ONLY person yesterday rollerblading on campus. There were more people on unicycles (2) than rollerblades (1, me). Something is wrong with that image. Why are there carnies going to the same school as me?

The Tallest Man On Earth

I realize that I'm a little behind on this one, but I recently started listening to Kristian Matsson, the Swedish musician who performs under the grandiose title, The Tallest Man on Earth. His raw vocals and unadulterated guitar stylings are a breath of fresh air from everything that is over-produced in music today. Here he is in an intimate concert for NPR, playing "I Won't Be Found", "The Gardener", and "Pistol Dreams".